Saturday, February 20, 2010

Stopover #5: Sultan Mosque

The Sultan Mosque, known as Masjid Sultan among the Malay community, was first built in 1824-1826 by Sultan Hussein. and this was how the mosque got its name from. The photo above shows the present mosque built beside the original mosque. It was built by architect Denis Santry in the style of Saracenic and completed in the year 1927.

The most interesting part of Sultan Mosque would be its domes. From afar, you will hardly notice anything special about it. However, upon closer look at the domes (and after reading the information board in the mosquw itself) we realised that the black surface seen on the dome is made out of soy sauce bottles. If you don't find it amazing, we did. It is amazing that soy sauce bottles can be used as part of the mosque's aesthetic and that it is still remaining strong throughout the 83 years. I am still amazed by it up till today.

There is indeed a private royal grave in Sultan Mosque. In fact, many of us probably walked past it without realising the private royal grave. We were not able to access it (doubt anyone else was allowed too) so we decided to take a photo of it from outside:

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