Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stopover #3 Pondok Java

Pondok means, hut in malay and Java, well evidently, refers to a race originated from Indonesia, the Javanese. According to a gentleman (who was kind enough to answer the looming questions we had in our heads), Pondok Java was located near Hajjah Fatimah Mosque. This pondok, which original name is Pondok Jawa was used for congregation of the Javenese Muslims, for communal activities.
But in 2004, it was demolished. (which explains why there is no picture of us in front of a Pondok but rather four of us looking lost)
According to the Malay Heritage Centre website, it was deemed structurally unsafe. Back then, this meeting place was famous for dishes like satay (aww, it’s too bad this structure was torn down or else we could have had a taste!) and mee rebus peddlers. Also, the wayang kulit and ketoprak which normally stars human actors or puppeteers were performed for the Javanese royalty.

There were other malay ethnic groups in Singapore like the Baweans, the Bugis in the 1850s but the largest group was made up of the Javanese, hence, came the title “Pondok Java”.

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