Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Before i completed this heritage trail, i had the least idea that there is a history behind the names of the streets. For example, the Bussorah Street. The same goes for the shops available there. I did not think that the shops there were influenced by external factors too. The most interesting discovery for my group is the existence of a cemetery near Kubor Road which was definitely not well taken care of. Not only was it just that but also the anonimity of the graves. Hence i feel that during this part of the journey, it was difficult for us to determine the people who were buried there. After completing the trail, i have come to realise that today's generation will be oblivious to the reasons and heritage behind national monuments and communities if they are not exposed to it. Some might argue that they are aware of their existence but to what extent do they understand is questionable. I think this learning journey was fruitful because it allows my team members and i to discover a whole new layer of Kampong Glam.

As seen from all the gazetted national monuments available in Singapore, it can be seen that the the preservation of historical sites is successful. I believe that for those who do not know much about history behind places in Singapore, this is the purpose of historical sites. Sure people might not be visiting these sites for leisure purposes but it can be assured that they will be visiting such places for heritage trail (like how we did). From here, it does lead to the discovery of many interesting information behind these places. It is impossible to say that one is ignorant after visiting these places.

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